Privacy Policy

This comprehensive privacy policy outlines the practices, procedures, and safeguards employed by Bluewings ("Bluewings" or "we") regarding your use of the software applications ("Applications") for mobile devices. The Applications, namely Bluewings Parent and Bluewings Staff, are hosted on Google Play and the App Store. By using these Applications, you agree to the terms set forth in this privacy policy.

1. Privacy Point of Contact:

For any inquiries or concerns regarding privacy, you can contact us at:

Bluewings Email:

2. Comprehensive Data Disclosure:

2.1 Types of Data Collected:

The Applications may collect a diverse range of data to provide optimal services:

2.2 Data Handling Procedures:

We prioritize the security and responsible handling of personal and sensitive user data:

2.3 Data Retention and Deletion Policy:

We are committed to maintaining data for appropriate durations and facilitating user control:

3. Entity Reference:

Bluewings is the entity responsible for the development and provision of Bluewings Parent and Bluewings Staff Applications.

4. Existing User Provided Information:

The Applications may obtain information during the registration process:

5. Automatically Collected Information:

The Applications automatically collect certain information to improve functionality and user experience:

6. Data Disclosure:

User-provided and automatically collected information may be disclosed:

7. Data Retention Policy:

The data retention policy is designed to balance functionality and user control:

8. Security:

We implement robust measures to safeguard user information:

9. Changes:

This Privacy Policy may be updated to reflect evolving practices:

10. Consent:

By using the Applications, you express consent to the processing of your information as outlined in this Privacy Policy.

11. User Rights:

Users have the right to access their personal data held by the Applications.

12. Contact Us:

For privacy-related inquiries, data deletion requests, user rights requests, or questions about our practices, please contact us at